Jennifer Henderson, Founder and CEO of Tilt

"Getting knocked down seven times, and getting up eight is easy to say, harder to do, but when you have a visceral connection to the work that we're bringing to the world. My visceral connection is my daughter who I look at every single morning and I've given myself a clock until when she enters the workforce to have made this better for her. And that connection to the work that we're doing gets me through all the ups and downs.”

- Jennifer Henderson


Jennifer Henderson is the Founder and CEO of Tilt, a venture backed SaaS platform that redefines the employee leave experience. Based on her own experience of leave being a career killer, Jennifer decided to change that narrative and create a platform that allows employees to take the necessary time for when life happens. Prior to founding Tilt, Jennifer was the Director of Operations at Noodles & Company and is a Board Member for CSU’s College of Business, Institute for Entrepreneurship.

Key Takeaways:

1. Redefining Employee Leave. TilT revolutionizes the way employee leave is managed. By providing a comprehensive SaaS platform and a team of experts, TilT ensures all leave-related processes are streamlined and accessible in one place.

2. Embracing Failure and Learning. Jennifer emphasizes the importance of embracing failure as an integral part of the entrepreneurial process. Learning from failures and pivoting when necessary is crucial for growth and success. This highlights the significance of a growth mindset and adaptability in the face of adversity.

3. Entrepreneurship's Rollercoaster Ride. Founders face numerous challenges, highs, and lows on their journey to building a successful venture. Understanding the unpredictable nature of entrepreneurship can help aspiring entrepreneurs prepare mentally and emotionally for the challenges ahead.

Topics Covered:

Making Leave Not Suck: Jennifer Henderson, CEO & Founder of Tilt 0:00

How Tilt Started 01:01

The Idea Behind Tilt 02:06

Tilt's mission and the concept of sustainable time off 02:56

How Tilt addresses employee burnout and the Importance of time off 03:42

Discussion about funding and investors in Tilt 04:56

Challenges Faced by Tilt 06:28

Tilt's Competitive Advantage 07:34

Introduction and discussion on leave administration inefficiencies 08:32

Challenges faced in raising additional capital 09:11

Resilience and motivation during the fundraising process 10:06

Lessons learned as a non-tech tech founder 12:08

The long-term vision for Tilt and its global expansion 18:26


Joanna Arras, Partner of Baird Capital


Robert Jacks, President and CEO of Sparrow Therapeutics